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Ready to prioritize your mental game?

If you feel like your mindset is your biggest barrier to your mental health and performance as an athlete, you're not alone.

My goal for this program is to teach you the skills needed to build confidence, stay healthy, avoid injury, work effectively towards your athletic goals, and find the sweet sweet combination of mental toughness and self-compassion. Through our course, you'll join a community of like-minded athletes who are committed to empowering themselves and others through sport.

Investing in yourself is the key to cultivating the skills and techniques needed to succeed in sport while maintaining your physical health and well-being. This course is designed to help you do just that. I'll provide you with the tools and knowledge needed to overcome mental barriers, manage stress, and improve your performance.

Join today and take the first step towards a more successful and fulfilling athletic journey. 




Learn and apply the core sport psychology principles needed to get to the next level in sport. In this program, you will:

  • Overcome difficult thoughts & feelings that arise in sport.
  • Find your "why." Set intentions to find meaning, purpose, and joy in sport.
  • Set meaningful and achievable goals for short-term AND long-term success.
  • Develop strategies to overcome mental blocks, fear of failure, and pre-competition nerves.
  • Recognize the importance of self-care for athletes, including nutrition, hydration, rest, and recovery practices.
  • Identify signs of burnout and understand the importance of mental health in athletic performance
  • Cultivate critical leadership and communication skills


Sport psychology foundations. Find your "why" and identify your adaptive & maladaptive coping patterns that affect you as an athlete.


Dig into the mental skills needed for proper goal setting (process vs. outcome goals), pre-performance routines, deliberate practice, and more.


Understand how your levels of self-criticism and self-compassion affect your performance as an athlete.


Learn the mindfulness skills needed to increase and decrease arousal, deal with pre-race nerves, and find that highly sought after "flow state" in sport.


This module is all about increasing confidence, understanding and overcoming mental blocks, and working through fear of failure.


Learn about the continuum of motivation to burnout, assess your burnout levels, and identify ways to deter burnout each season.


Health psychology 101! We cover sleep, nutrition, injury prevention, and how to keep an eye out for symptoms of REDs (Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport) and LEA (Low Energy Availability). 


Leadership & communication essentials. No one ever asks for this specifically in my individual work with clients, but it ALWAYS comes up. We'll talk through Brene Brown's framework for courage, vulnerability, and navigating brave conversations.


When all is said and done, we'll give you a sport psychology assessment to take so you can assess your progress, strengths, and continued growth areas for the upcoming season.

"The content in the modules was stuff I was either experiencing or had experienced. I felt like they were written just for me."

-athlete in founding cohort


I am a Licensed Psychologist, Certified Mental Performance Consultant (CMPC), researcher, and endurance athlete. I love the daily opportunity to combine my clinical expertise, research knowledge, and lived experience as an endurance athlete.

Through my work with athletes over the past decade, I've seen a huge hole in resources designed specifically for athletes who want to improve their mental game. My goal for this course is to fill that void so you can show up as the best version of yourself in sport.




This is a great fit for you if:

⭐️ you know you want to work on your mental game, but you're not sure where to start

⭐️ you're willing to try some things that feel counterintuitive

⭐️ you have the bandwidth and ability to prioritize weekly learnings and take-home exercises


This program is NOT a great fit for you if:

❌ you're looking for mental health therapy or counseling

❌ you're actively working through severe trauma, depression, or anxiety

❌ you're unable to commit to attending the sessions or unable to complete exercises for each module

One-time payment


Course features

  • lifetime access to course modules and materials
  • 8 online modules
  • 8 group coaching meetings (with lifetime access to recordings)
  • exclusive Skadi community of other athletes on this journey

Monthly payments

3 x $500

Course features

  • lifetime access to course modules and materials
  • 8 online modules
  • 8 group coaching meetings (with lifetime access to recordings)
  • exclusive Skadi community of other athletes on this journey

What our founding cohort members say:

"I believe it's assisting me on training days more than I realized. Not just race days. Months ago, I would have been in tears [after a rough workout]. I would have texted a friend, complaining about how much this sucks, how it always happens. I would have spiraled into thinking that my entire next season would be bad. But this time, it was a relief, almost unnoticed, that I took new actions. It's just a lot easier to go with the flow."

"This has complemented regular therapy in a great way. I've encountered many concepts in therapy that either didn't click or I wasn't sure if they were for me. However, in a sports context, I'm more receptive to these concepts, which allows me to reverse engineer and apply them to non-sports situations. I'm extremely grateful for this."

"The thing that I've really taken away from this is to let stuff go. All the other therapy work I did helps with this, but this gave me the sports context that I needed. I didn't have that before. Therapy was helpful, but I couldn't quite get it to click on the bike, you know, and now it does."

"As someone who is competitive and values participation, it can be challenging to shift my mindset. However, I have learned the importance of holding desires and values lightly, and being open to recalibrating them. By doing so, I am able to find value in this season despite the setbacks."

"When I talked with Erin before the beginning of this course, to sort of feel it out if it was gonna be a good fit, I told her, “it's not just about bikes here,” and that absolutely was true."

"[Recent race] felt like a huge breakthrough. I literally have been telling whoever will listen to me. I'm like, I had this breakthrough on the bike. I have to tell you about it. It was a sport psychology class about learning how to be more present, and also anticipating that there are gonna be bad moments and it's okay. You can get past them."